Wednesday, 19 December 2007


Well as it nears the end of 2007, I find myself deciding to start a blog on my 'intellectual' type thoughts.

I have found myself in the past year writing posts quite often on forums, where I'm sure they are rapidly lost from the world, so I thought from now on it would be a good idea to keep them together in a series for anyone who is interested in the same areas.

It should be said at some point I would like to write a book on some of the ideas presented here, however, that will have to wait until I have investigated them further.

My principal 'intellectual' interests I have been pursuing recently, and which will probably form most of this blog, are:

Evolution and biology

If all this sounds very nerdy, then I apologize. I assure you all that I do have many 'real life' interests outside of these, it's just that these are some of the most interesting to talk about, I'm sure real life dramas are much more of interest to my close friends than to the wider world.

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