Tuesday, 8 January 2008


I was going to write a post full of swearing and expletives, but thought better of it.

I have just spent the past hour trying to find out how to log back into this blogger account. The problem is, every website on the web wants you to have your own username and password to use it. Now that would be fine if there were just one or two websites. However once you find yourself using, say 10-20 websites, you have to start reusing usernames and passwords to have any chance of remembering your login.

So I (as I suspect many) have a rotation of 3 email addresses I use for registering at websites that I don't trust, such as google, where they can spam me with as much spam as they want (because I don't read those emails). I also use a rotation of 3 passwords corresponding to these in order to log into websites. Maybe someone will hack in, but frankly, I don't really care. These are throwaway emails, I'm not stupid enough to use my main emails.

Now this is great, but google want to have a 'google version' of my email and password to log into blogger. But the thing insists that I can't use any of the passwords that I already use that are easy for me to remember.

Oh no, that would be far to simple.

Instead I have to come up with some convoluted password, just in case osama bin laden himself tries to login to my account and use it to plan attacks on the free world.

And of course the upshot of this is, I naturally forget said password (and login details).

Cue spending 1 hour searching through my password books (I write them down so they are easier for thieves to steal) but I can't find it. I eventually by trial and error track down which email address (out of 7 I have) to use, then use blogger to reset the password.

Really there has got to be a simpler solution to all these password protected sites. It seems for most people about 100x more likely that they will lose their own password than it would be some 'hacker' would target them and try and login as them.

Really google what I'd like is, if we have a retarded short easy to guess password, let us use it for gawd's sake instead of insisting on fort knox security for the equivalent of our fridge. Why don't you add retina scanning and biometric face measurements while you are at it which screw up every time I get a haircut.

Thank you, rant over.

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